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Effective for managing patients' diabetic risks and symptoms

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A useful tool for healthcare professionals to fight diabetes in a more effective and targeted way

Chronic hyperglycemia, which results from the body's inability to effectively regulate blood sugar, is the hallmark of the complex metabolic disease known as diabetes. Body composition, adiposity, and muscle mass are closely linked to type 2 diabetes. BIA is an accurate method of measuring body composition, making it a useful tool in diabetes management. 

The BIA method works by using a low-level electrical current to measure the electrical resistance of biological tissues, then using these measurements to calculate body composition. In the case of diabetes, a BIA scan can be beneficial in different ways. (see specifications below).

Finally, a BIA scan offers a complete and accurate assessment of body composition, which can be very useful in the management of diabetes. Healthcare professionals can personalize treatment plans to help patients with diabetes achieve and maintain better blood sugar control, improve their insulin sensitivity, and reduce their risk of complications associated with diabetes by monitoring fat mass, lean mass, visceral fat and water retention. As a result, BIA proves to be a useful tool for healthcare professionals to fight diabetes in a more effective and targeted manner. 


Analysis of lean and fat mass: 

The BIA helps determine a person's fat and lean mass. Unbalanced body composition in diabetic patients, characterized by excess fat mass and reduced lean mass (muscle), can worsen insulin resistance and make blood sugar control more difficult. A healthcare professional can use BIA data to determine if a patient has inadequate body composition and adjust their treatment plan accordingly. 

Observe changes in body composition: 

Type 2 diabetes progresses. BIA allows regular monitoring of body composition to track changes in fat and lean mass. This can help evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, such as changing diet, exercise, and medications, on the patient's body composition. 

Calculate visceral fat percentage: 

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are strongly linked to visceral fat, which surrounds the abdominal organs. The BIA can estimate visceral fat percentage, which helps the doctor assess the patient's metabolic risk and tailor treatment. 

After water retention: 

In diabetic patients, blood glucose measurement may be impaired by weight fluctuations related to fluid retention. By measuring body hydration levels, BIA can help monitor water retention. This helps distinguish between weight changes related to water retention and actual fat loss or gain. 

Individualize the management plan: 

A healthcare professional can create a more individualized diabetes management plan using the information provided by the BIA. Depending on the patient's specific body composition and metabolic needs, this may include specific recommendations regarding diet, exercise, and medications. 

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