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A tool for a early detection is key to managing symptoms and progression with patients 

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Here's how to effectively identify, treat and manage lymphedema using segmental body water analysis with Visbody

A medical condition known as lymphedema is characterized by excessive swelling of a part of the body, usually an arm or leg, due to a buildup of lymphatic fluid. Impairment or blockage of the lymphatic system, often caused by surgery, radiation therapy, or other medical treatments, such as those used in cancer management, may be the cause of this condition. To assess the severity of lymphedema, monitor its progression and determine the effectiveness of treatments, healthcare professionals need precise diagnostic and monitoring tools. 

Electrical bio impédance (BIA) is an assessment and monitoring technique increasingly used in healthcare for patients with lymphedema. The non-invasive method of measuring the electrical resistance of body tissues to low-level electrical current is known as BIA. It can provide important information about body composition, such as the amount of intracellular and extracellular fluid. Using a BIA scanner can assist healthcare professionals in several ways in the diagnosis, management and treatment of lymphedema. 


Preliminary diagnosis and assessment: 

The ability to detect lymphatic fluid accumulation in tissues early is one of the most important advantages of BIA in the management of lymphedema. Healthcare professionals can assess body composition differences between the two sides by performing a BIA analysis on the affected limb and the unaffected limb as a reference. This can help with the early diagnosis of lymphedema, allowing for more effective treatment. 

Observation of the evolution of the disease: 

A BIA scan can be used to track the progress of lymphedema over time once it is diagnosed. Regular measurements of body composition help identify changes in the amount of lymphatic fluid and determine the effectiveness of treatments. To adjust therapeutic interventions as needed, close monitoring is necessary. 

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatments is as follows: 

Lymphedema is usually treated with compression, physical therapy, manual lymphatic decongestion, and sometimes surgery. BIA can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments by measuring changes in body composition, including decreased lymphatic fluid accumulation. BIA measurements will show improvement in body composition if treatments are effective. 

Treatment plans can be personalized: 

Each patient with lymphedema may present with specific physiological and anatomical features. Healthcare professionals can adjust treatment plans based on each patient's unique needs using BIA. For example, BIA data can be used to determine the ideal frequency and duration of manual lymphatic decongestion sessions or to determine the correct compression pressure. 

Avoid complications: 

Serious complications, such as recurrent infections, chronic pain, and poor quality of life, can result from untreated or poorly managed lymphedema. Healthcare professionals can intervene quickly to prevent or mitigate these potential complications by using BIA to closely monitor the progress of the condition. 

To summarize, healthcare professionals who treat, manage, and treat lymphedema will find a BIA scanner useful. It allows an objective and precise assessment of body composition, which facilitates early detection, monitoring the evolution of the condition, evaluation of the effectiveness of treatments, personalization of treatment plans and prevention of complications. Patients with lymphedema can benefit from better care and better quality of life thanks to BIA. 

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