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A tool for obesity management and help guide treatment decisions

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Overweight and Obesity. What Visbody can do for you and your patients

Excess body fat is the hallmark of a complex disease known as obesity. It is linked to many health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and metabolic disorders. Understanding the patient's body composition, including the amount of body fat and lean mass, is crucial in the management of obesity, as it can guide treatment decisions. 


Treatment of obese patients can benefit from a BIA scan in several ways

Assess body composition: 

The electrical resistance of body tissues to low intensity electrical current is measured by BIA. This measurement helps assess the amount of fat and lean mass in the body. Since excessive visceral fat concentration is particularly linked to increased risk of metabolic diseases, it is essential to understand the distribution of body fat in obese patients. This data is provided by BIA in a rapid and non-invasive manner. 

Body composition then changed: 

Typically, obesity treatment aims to reduce body fat while maintaining lean body mass, such as muscle mass. Healthcare professionals can monitor changes over time by regularly tracking body composition using BIA. This allows the effectiveness of interventions such as diet and exercise changes to be checked and adjustments made accordingly. 

The assessment of basic metabolism is as follows: 

Basal metabolic rate (BM), i.e. the amount of energy the body burns at rest, can also be estimated by BIA. A high BMR may indicate significant muscle mass in obese patients, while a low BMR may indicate a loss of lean mass. Healthcare professionals can tailor dietary and exercise plans to patients' individual metabolic needs by understanding MB. 

Evaluate the distribution of fat in the body: 

Additionally, BIA can provide data on body fat distribution, including subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. This distinction is essential because visceral fat is particularly unhealthy. Healthcare professionals can better assess metabolic risks and develop effective interventions by monitoring body fat distribution. 

After water retention: 

Fluid retention can cause weight fluctuations in obese patients, which can complicate interpretation of results. BIA can help monitor water retention by measuring body hydration levels, helping to distinguish weight changes related to water retention from changes related to body fat. 

To summarize, a BIA scan is a useful tool for managing obesity. It allows healthcare professionals to assess body composition, assess basal metabolism, assess body fat distribution and monitor water retention. This information is essential for designing individualized treatment strategies for obese patients, ensuring that interventions are tailored to their specific needs and aim to reduce body fat while preserving lean mass, which is essential for improving their general health and reduce the risk of complications associated with obesity. 

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